Out of Division, Strength
In the tumult that always accompanies a US presidential election – with each side fearing the end of “democracy” or “America” if the other side prevails – some Americans have lost sight of what admirers see clearly from afar: A remarkable, resilient country on which turns the hopes and inspirations of the world. Every US presidential election is billed as “the most consequential […]
Trump, The Survivor
The image of former president Donald J. Trump, at the age of seventy-eight, wrestling with the Secret Service to stand upright and pump his fist in the air and shout, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” has resonated throughout the world. Bloodied but undefeated, he resembled a roaring lion to his supporters. Republican pollster Frank Luntz predicts that […]
The Only Path to Peace is Prosperity, Not Hamas
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on July 24 at what promises to be an historic and controversial moment. Netanyahu’s speech allows him to “share the Israeli government’s vision to defend its democracy, combat terrorism and establish a just and lasting peace in the region,” said House Speaker Mike […]
Iran’s Attack Requires a Broad Response
Iran’s attack on Israel, with more than 170 drones and 120 ballistic missiles, was the largest that Tehran has ever launched against the Hebrew state.  Previously, Iran used proxy forces, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Houthi rebels in Yemen, to rain down rockets on Israeli homes and ships. Now, Iran is attacking directly and striking at well […]
The Moscow Attack Should Alarm the Whole World
The March 22 terrorist attack in Moscow left 133 dead, more than 130 injured, and many urgent questions about the return of ISIS, a Syria-based terror group long thought to be vanquished.  Days before the bloodshed, the US secretly warned the Kremlin about a potential ISIS attack, giving actionable intelligence under its longstanding “duty to warn” […]
The World in 2024 - Elections and the Demand for American Leadership
Some two billion people, or around one half of the world’s population, will have the opportunity to vote in 2024. No matter the outcome of these elections, 2024 will be a turning point – a time of choosing between democracy and darker outcomes. These elections are taking place against a backdrop of weakening independent institutions in a […]
Letter from the Publisher
The first-ever criminal indictment of a former U.S president holds important lessons for the world and American allies. America has both a written and an unwritten constitution. The written constitution, adopted in 1789, is interpreted and re-interpreted by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the US Supreme Court having the final word on what […]
The Centrality of the United States to Global Affairs
Amid the ongoing war in Ukraine and new tensions in the Middle East, observers often look to how the United States responds to these and other challenges. In this sixth print issue, JST publisher Ahmed Charai reminds us of the abiding resilience of American democracy and its centrality to resolving global conflicts. Dov Zakheim, JST’s […]
A Time for American Renewal
A Letter From the Publisher
In the Shadow of War
A World in Turmoil—and the Challenges Still Lying Ahead
Two themes emerge from this fifth issue of the Jerusalem Strategic Tribune. The bloodshed in Ukraine, brought about by the Russian invasion, has become the focal point of world attention and the direct and indirect cause of wide-spread turmoil and dislocation. On a much happier note, this moment in time also marks the second anniversary […]
Letter from the Publisher
As we approach the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, their importance has only grown.
War in Ukraine, Regional Amity in the Mediterranean
Evolving Aspects of a Complex International Reality
New World Disorder
A Letter From the Publisher
Editorial: Hopeful Perspectives
The JST is proud to present in its third issue a significant contribution to the general debate on where the world may be headed.
A Letter From the Publisher
“In the midst of death, we are in life.” With stoic resolve, the words of that medieval prayer point toward a path of hope in times of trial.
Biden Must Stand With the People of Iran
A letter from the publisher: Biden must consider the plight of the Iranian people in negotiations with the regime
Editorial: After the Longest War
Lessons, focal points of conflict, new prospects for progress
Editorial: Can Biden “Build Back Better”?
Editorial: Can the Biden administration return to the central themes of what was once the modern world?
A Letter From the Publisher
It may strike some of you as curious that of all people, a Moroccan Arab Muslim would move to create a journal about the US–Israel relationship
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