Jerusalem Strategic Tribune Hosts Reception in Historic Quarter of Jerusalem

by June 2022

On June 20, 2022, under the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, in the 19th century inn built by Sir Moses Montefiore, the JST hosted a reception to mark the publication of its fourth print issue and its first anniversary. 

The far-reaching and courageous vision of JST publisher Ahmed Charai—highlighting the US–Israel alliance through a forum for joint discussion and debate of foreign policy issues—was the theme of remarks by Chief Editor Eran Lerman and Managing Editor Bob Silverman.

In his comments, Lerman also offered condolences to Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, who had been scheduled to welcome JST on behalf of City Hall, but had to regret due to the passing of her mother, Lady Hassan. He also eulogized one of JST’s first contributors, the late Professor Aharon Klieman (whose daughter honored the event by her presence) for urging us all—in an important essay written shortly before he passed away—to return to realism in the understanding of world affairs. This call has since been borne out by events.

In this context, regular JST columnist and former Member of Knesset Ksenia Svetlova spoke on the ramifications of the ongoing Ukraine War—a central theme of the fourth print issue—for the world, the West, the Middle East, and for Israeli policy, even amidst the political crisis that unfolded that very evening of Israel’s holding new elections. Then the Israeli guests, many of whom are current and future JST contributors, celebrated the JST in dinner discussions in the historic building. 

Photos: Eran Ackerman

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